Sunday, November 28, 2010

Goa, India

After our spiritual retreat to the Shraddha Ashram in India, Jen and I, Amanda Pressner, went to a little retreat of our own in Goa, India.

November 2007
Goa, India

I had to go to the bathroom really bad!

The problem was that I was all out of toilet paper. I ran towards the Trivandrum train station and headed towards the bathroom.

An Indian woman was showing Jen how to use this nozzle thing in the bathroom.

Since both Jen and I ran out of toilet paper, I had no choice but to use the nozzle thing. Water came out of the nozzle and it was supposed to clean your butt after you were done with your business.

I had to go so bad that it didn't matter if it was safe or not. I just did it, and to be frank, it felt pretty cool.

After our new experience with the nozzle thing in the bathroom, Jen and I bolted for the train to Goa.

After my experience in the Shraddha Ashram, I decided not to work so much on our trip anymore. I thought maybe I needed to kick back and relax as much as I could before we had to go back to New York. I was actually having more fun than I was when I had to worry about work, and I was happy for that.

Jen and I rode the train to Goa. Goa contained many beautiful beaches that we just had to see. A friend of mine, Sarah, was going to meet us at the place we were staying, Magdalena's Guesthouse.

Goa, India is very famous for its beautiful beaches.

After we arrived at Goa and got a taxi driver, the driver dropped us off at Magdalena's Guesthouse.

We met up with Sarah as she practically jumped on us both and hugged us tightly.

Instead of trying to take a shower in the dirty shower of our room in the guesthouse, we all decided to go for a swim in Vagator Beach to clean off.

The funny thing was that there was a group of cows in the middle of the beach sun-bathing. Maybe that ruined the sight a bit, but it was India. Cows were sacred and nobody would dare try to move them out of the way.

Cows on Vagator Beach

As we all traveled down the beach, there was this little girl who tried to sell this bracelets and necklaces. We asked her for her name and it was Rebecca.

I didn't know what to do. After our experience in Kiminini, Kenya, I don't think I can ever brush off a kid who was trying to sell me something to get money to survive.

Instead of giving her the money directly, we treated her to a meal. She told us her whole story of how she lost her parents and how she was trying to support her brother and sister by selling bracelets and necklaces.

That night, we all went to visit different bars. I was ready to go dancing, but Jen and Sarah didn't want to go. They said they were beat and wanted to go back to the guesthouse and rest. It was understandable, so I went to an underground place with few of the guys that stayed in the same guesthouse as us.

I learned one thing: do not trust foreign people with pills.

I decided to be crazy that night and took this pill that was supposed to make you feel amazing and relaxed. I took it like the crazy person I am. We danced all night long.

Indian Pop

The next thing I knew, I woke up alone with no one at all. I looked around and found nobody that I knew.

I must have fallen asleep somehow. It was all coming back to me as I rememebered how I wanted to stay here in this club all by myself!

I panicked as I asked this stranger to go take a cab with me. I couldn't go outside alone! I was a woman, and I was bound to be hurt by some stranger.

As I arrived at the guesthouse, I payed the taxi driver and left the guy who came with me there. I ran back inside the guesthouse and hoped to get some rest.

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