Sunday, November 28, 2010

Hanoi, Vietnam

January 2008
Hanoi, Vietnam

Jen, Holly, and I were re-united again as we traveled into Vietnam.

We decided to spend two weeks in Hanoi. It was a lot of time in Hanoi, but there was a lot to see.

Even though the Vietnam War affected most of Vietnam, Hanoi recovered successfully. As we looked around the city, it was filled with new hotels, restaurants, and souvenir stores.

As we shopped on the streets, we didn't go for the expensive stuff. We bought candies, toys, fake brand name accessories, and more.

As we passed by restaurants that made pho (noodle soup), we couldn't help but go into the restaurant and eat their pho. As we were here, I made sure to always eat some pho. Its good smells matched its good tastes.

In Vietnam, there were no street lights, so a person practically risked their life every day if they were driving or walking.

At that time of year, it was freezing. We hadn't brought any thick clothing, so we continued down the street of stores to buy some warmer clothes.

Every time we tried to bargain with the street vendors, they didn't seem to like it so much. Bargaining seemed unwelcomed here, so we stuck to cheap stuff or to the original price of things.

Unfortunately, we didn't love Hanoi as much as we had loved all the other places we had went to. The stealing, the traffic, and the rude street vendors started to get to us. We decided to cut our two week rest in Hanoi short and head off to Bangkok, Thailand.

Busy Streets of Hanoi, Vietnam

Viet Pop

One interesting thing that I learned was that Korean music was very popular in Vietnam (and many other Asian countries of course). A Vietnamese person had shown me this video and told me that it was normal for young Vietnamese teen girls (and guys) love this sort of thing.

Foreign Music Loved by the Vietnamese

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